
  • how to prepare for your appointment

    i recommend that you stop shaving or trimming the hair you want to remove at least two weeks prior to your appointment. it is super helpful if you exfoliate the area well in the days leading up to your appointment as well so that your hair is free of dead skin build up.

    when it comes time to do the service you can take the recommended dosage of ibuprofen 30 minutes before your appointment to help with pain and inflammation.

    for body waxing, wear loose fitting and breathable clothing and try not to have any big plans after your service that involve physical activity!

  • recommended aftercare

    for 24-48 hours after a body waxing service, avoid the following:

    sunlight: no exposure to uv rays, no tanning beds, always wear sunscreen on the area you received the waxing service.

    soaking: warm water opens your pores and leaves them vulnerable to bacteria and irritation. no baths, swimming pools, hot tubs, or saunas.

    scrubbing: no harsh exfoliating, physical or chemical, to the service area.

    sweating: no immediate exercise. sweating, as well as the activities that cause it, can promote irritation and possible bacterial infection to your vulnerable hair follicles.

    synthetic products: avoid lotions, body washes, or other products with synthetic ingredients. these are usually listed as “parfum / fragrance” on ingredient lists. wear breathable cotton fabrics to decrease irritation and sweating. avoid deodorant on your underarms for 24 hours as well.

    recommended aftercare products

    after the initial 24-48 hours is complete, you should begin the following aftercare routine:

    exfoliate: exfoliating 2-3 times a week helps get rid of dead skin build-up and allows your hair to grow back without any impediment. use a gentle physical exfoliant such as a salux towel or a chemical exfoliant, such as pfb.

    moisturize: fur oil or finipil post-waxing moisturizing cream helps keep the skin on the service area cool and calm, as well as having antibacterial properties. use daily after showering for best results.

    both of these products are available for purchase at the studio.

    recommended follow-up appointments

    waxing is most successful when it is done consistently. maintaining a regular schedule of 4-6 weeks between waxes allows for a good amount of hair regrowth without breaking off and damaging your hair in between appointments. consistency is the key factor to getting your hair on the same growth schedule and maintaining a longer smooth time between services.

  • a contraindication is anything (including a symptom or medical condition) that is a reason for a person not to receive a particular treatment or procedure because it may be harmful to them.

    a client cannot receive any waxing service if they have the following contraindications:

    • prescription oral and topical acne medications such as but not limited to: retin a, retinol, tretinoin, differin, tazarac, adapalene, clindamycin, tetracycline, et al.

    • accutane: you must be off accutane for one year before resuming waxing.

    • undergoing cancer therapy, chemo, or radiation.

    • recent surgery in the treatment area, stitches etc - a doctors approval is required to begin waxing again over the surgical area.

    • irritated or inflamed skin and active wounds.

    • experiencing an active sunburn.

    • utilized a tanning bed within the last 24 hours.

    caution and consultation must be used when a client has the following contraindications:

    • oral antibiotics.

    • taking prednisone, steroids, or blood thinners.

    • many chronic medical and skin conditions - always consult with a doctor before waxing.

    • recent spa treatments such as chemical peels, botox, cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, laser treatments, microdermabrasion.

    • exfoliants such as: salycilic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid.

    • psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea.

    • severe varicose veins.

    certain conditions or treatments may make one more sensitive during waxing:

    • pregnancy.

    • menstrual cycle.

    • heavy caffeine intake prior to waxing.

    • heavy alcohol intake within 24 hours of appointment.